Des clients indonésiens de fruits de noix de coco viennent dans notre entreprise pour un échange technique


Recently, an Indonesian coconut producer came to our company for technical exchange and expressed their intention to purchase a complete set of automatic sterilization production lines. This technical exchange involves multiple aspects, and the following are some details.

1Equipment selection and customization

In the technical exchange, our company first introduced our existing fully automatic sterilization production line equipment to the customer, including sterilization retorts, fully automatic loading and unloading systems, and food tray transportation equipment. After listening to a detailed introduction of the equipment, the customer expressed great satisfaction with its technical performance and characteristics. At the same time, they also put forward some customized requirements, hoping that the equipment can better adapt to their production process and product characteristics.

2Production process and technology

In order to better meet the needs of customers, our technical personnel and customers jointly discussed the production process and technology of coconut. Both sides had in-depth exchanges on the cleaning, bagging, sterilization and other aspects of coconut fruit, and put forward specific suggestions and solutions on how to improve production efficiency and quality. Through this exchange, both parties have gained a deeper understanding of the production process and technology of coconut, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation.

3Equipment installation and debugging

After determining the equipment selection and customization requirements, our company will provide professional equipment installation and debugging services to customers. During the installation process, our company will dispatch professional technical personnel to the customer's site to ensure the correct installation and debugging of the equipment. At the same time, our company will also provide customers with comprehensive after-sales service to ensure that the equipment can operate stably during use, improve production efficiency and quality.

4Future cooperation and development

In the final stage of technical exchange, both parties had in-depth discussions on future cooperation and development. The customer expressed great anticipation for cooperation with us and hopes to continue strengthening technical exchanges and cooperation in the future to jointly promote the development of the coconut industry. At the same time, our company also stated that we will continue to pay attention to customer needs, constantly innovate and improve our products, and provide customers with higher quality services and solutions.

Le succès de cet échange technologique a non seulement jeté une base solide pour la coopération entre les deux parties, mais a également offert davantage de possibilités et d'espace pour une coopération future. Nous pensons qu'à l'avenir, les deux parties continueront à travailler ensemble pour fournir aux clients du monde entier des produits à base de noix de coco de meilleure qualité et plus efficaces.

Un producteur indonésien de noix de coco a visité notre entreprise et a eu un échange technique intense et approfondi avec notre patron.

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